Monday, November 30, 2009

Oh Hai!!

So, I thought I would give this whole blogging thing another go. Over the past two years I've made several failed attempts and false starts at a blog but this time swear I will be avid blogger. Promise! Well, at least I hope so. I hope to keep you guys interested. So let's get it started, here are some random facts about moi

I'm 15 weeks pregnant with my first little and I'm scare and excited and I'm not quite sure it all has quite sunk in yet.
I was born in Montreal, Canada but raised in South Florida
I'm huge anime and manga fan and I'm not ashamed :)
If I could have any job I love to be a pastry chef and own my own bakery.
I want to learn a ton of languages Japanese and French are at the top of the list
I could stay in Barnes and Noble and read and drink coffee all day
Twilight saga = ♥ (Team Edward)
I heart video games, like a mofo
I act all tough but I'm a big softie at heart
Music heals all
I'm married to the most awesome person that works hard, can laugh or make me angry but always makes me feel loved and there is no one that makes me happier.